Smiling Europe

: “Smiling Europe” is a Partnership Building project. It has been meant to foster work and cooperatation in youth field, to be smart and innovative and to give our contribute towards European growth and social cohesion. We have thought that, by sharing experiences and good practices and thanks to the help of professional trainers, we can reach the objective of improving our competences and the quality of job as well as promoting the job carried out by youth workers. The project has also been thought to strenghten our network of organisations and build up new partnerships for further projects within the framework of Erasmus+ programme.



February 2015 / July 2015


Enna (IT)


Youth workers, youth with fewer opportunities, local community

Type of Funding:

Erasmus Plus – KA1


Associazione Giosef Giovani Senza Frontiere (Italy), ZAMISLI(Croatia), Noored Ühiskonna Heaks (Estonia), Fundatia Zamolxes (Romania), Kooperáció Egyesület (Hungary), “H2O”-Assoc. de Jovens de Arrouquelas (Portugal)